Dawlance Medium Size Fridge: Guide to Prices in Pakistan 2023

Oct 23, 2023
Price Lists
Dawlance Medium Size Fridge: Guide to Prices in Pakistan 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of home appliances, the refrigerator holds a special place. It's not merely a kitchen appliance; it's a fundamental necessity for every household. Among the plethora of options available in the Pakistani market, the Dawlance Medium Size Fridge emerges as a popular and trusted choice. In this comprehensive blog, we'll emba rk on an in-depth journey into the world of Dawlance medium-sized refrigerators, exploring their features, capacity, energy efficiency, design aesthetics, and most importantly, the estimated prices for 2023 in Pakistan.

The Essence of Dawlance Medium Size Fridge

The Dawlance Legacy;

Dawlance is a name synonymous with reliability, innovation, and quality in Pakistan's home appliance industry. With decades of experience, Dawlance has consistently delivered appliances that cater to the unique needs of Pakistani households. Their medium-sized refrigerators exemplify their commitment to excellence in the realm of cooling solutions.

Medium Size Versatility:

Medium-sized refrigerators are often the most practical choice for a wide range of Pakistani households. These appliances offer a crucial balance between capacity and space efficiency. They are ideally suited for small to medium-sized families, taking up minimal space in the kitchen while providing ample storage for groceries and perishables

Features of Dawlance Medium Size Fridge


Dawlance medium-sized fridges t ypically boast a capacity ranging from 200 to 300 liters. This capacity sweet spot is perfect for accommodating the weekly groceries and essentials of a family without occupying excessive kitchen real estate. It strikes the ideal balance, ensuring you don't compromise on storage space while optimizing your kitchen layout.

Energy Efficiency;

In an age of heightened environmental awareness and escalating energy costs, energy efficiency is a paramount concern. Dawlance refrigerators are designed with energy efficiency in mind. Many of their models feature inverter technology, which ensures that the refrigerator operates at an optimal level, reducing electricity consumption and, consequently, your monthly energy bills.

Cooling Technology:

The cooling technology employed in Dawlance fridges is at the forefront of the industry. It's not merely about keeping your food chilled but also about maintaining optimal temperatures to ensure the longevity of your groceries. This technology is instrumental in keeping your food fresher for longer periods and minimizing food wastage. Additionally, it often incorporates anti-frost technology to prevent ice buildup, reducing the need for frequent manual defrosting.

Factors Influencing Dawlance Medium Size Fridge Prices

Capacity and Size:

The first and most evident factor that influences the price of a medium-sized fridge is its capacity and physical size. Larger models with more storage space typically command a hi gher price tag. The market offers a spectrum of options, allowing consumers to choose a capacity that best suits their requirements.

Features and Technology:

Dawlance offers a range of medium-sized fridges with varying features and technology. Advanced features such as inverter compressors, digital controls, multiple cooling zones, and unique design elements can contribute to a higher price for specific models. These features enhance the user experience, offering greater convenience and efficiency in daily usage.

Design and Finish:

The aesthetics of a refrigerator play a significant role in determining its price. Premium finishes, sleek designs, and durable build materials can drive up the cost. These high-end models not only serve a functional purpose but also add an element of style to your kitchen, making them a sought-after choice for those who appreciate a blend of form and function.

Estimated Prices in Pakistan for 2023

Entry-Level Options;

For budget-conscious consumers, entry-level Dawlance medium-sized fridges are a practical choice. These models offer basic features and capacities, ideal for small families or individuals with budget constraints. Estimated prices for entry-level fridges in 2023 can range from PKR 30,000 to 40,000.

Mid-Range Mode ls:

Mid-range Dawlance medium-sized fridges strike a balance between capacity and features. They are designed to cater to the needs of the average Pakistani family, providing ample storage space and a range of user-friendly features. Estimated prices for mid-range models in 2023 can vary from PKR 40,000 to 60,000.

Premium Choices:

At the top end of the spectrum, premium Dawlance medium-sized fridges come into play. These models, characterized by larger capacities, cutting-edge technology, and superior design aesthetics, are positioned at the higher end of the price spectrum. They cater to larger families or individuals who value a combination of advanced technology and visual appeal. Estimated prices for premium models in 2023 can range from PKR 60,000 to 80,000 or more, depending on the specific features and design elements.


In conclusion, the Dawlance Medium Size Fridge is a versatile and reliable appliance for Pakistani households. Its capacity, energy efficiency, and cooling technology make it a valua ble addition to any kitchen. By understanding the factors influencing prices, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your budget and meets your refrigeration needs. 

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