K-Electric Unit Rate List for 2023: An Overview

Mar 04, 2023
Information to Know
K-Electric Unit Rate List for 2023: An Overview


K-Electric is one of the leading electric utility companies in Pakistan. It is responsible for generating, transmitting, and distributing electricity to Karachi and its surrounding areas. K-Electric provides electricity to over 2.5 million customers and is committed to providing reliable and affordable electricity to its customers. In this blog, we will discuss the K-Electric unit rate list for 2023 and provide an overview of the different rates and tariffs that K-Electric offers.

Overview of K-Electric

K-Electric is the sole provider of electricity to Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan. It is responsible for generating, transmitting, and distributing electricity to its customers. K-Electric is committed to providing reliable and affordable electricity to its customers and has implemented several measures to improve its service quality.

Understanding K-Electric's Unit Rates and Tariffs

To understand K-Electric's unit rates and tariffs, customers need to know their electricity consumption and voltage level. The consumption is measured in units, and the voltage level is measured in kilovolts (kV). Here are some key factors to consider when understanding K-Electric's unit rates and tariffs:

Consumption Level:

The consumption level is the amount of electricity consumed by a customer in a given month. K-Electric charges different rates based on the consumption level.

Voltage Level:

The voltage level is the amount of electrical potential difference between two points in an electrical circuit. K-Electric charges different rates based on the voltage level.

Power Factor:

The power factor is the ratio of the real power (used by the customer) to the apparent power (measured by the meter). K-Electric charges an additional penalty for customers who have a low power factor.

Time of Use:

K-Electric charges different rates based on the time of use. For example, the peak-hour rates are higher than the off-peak-hour rates. This encourages customers to shift their electricity consumption to off-peak hours.


K-Electric is a reliable and leading electric utility company in Pakistan, committed to providing reliable and affordable electricity to its customers. The unit rate list for 2023 offers a range of tariffs for residential, commercial, industrial, and bulk power customers. Customers need to understand their electricity consumption, voltage level, power factor, and time of use to make an informed decision about their tariff plan. By understanding K-Electric's unit rates and tariffs, customers can choose the plan that best suits their needs and budget.


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