Super Asia Fan Price in Pakistan: A Guide

May 04, 2024
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Super Asia Fan Price in Pakistan: A Guide


Super Asia fans are a popular choice in Pakistan known for their quality, durability, and affordability. This comprehensive guide explores various aspects of Super Asia fan pricing in Pakistan, covering types, benefits, considerations, and more.

Understanding Super Asia Fan Pricing in Pakistan:

Super Asia fans are popular choices for cooling solutions in Pakistani households and commercal spaces due to their reliability, performance, and affordability. The pricing of Super Asia fans can vary based on several factors, reflecting the range of features, specifications, and technologies incorporated into different models. Understanding these factors can help consumers make informed decisions when purchasing Super Asia fans.

Factors Influencing Super Asia Fan Prices

Fan Type and Model:

Super Asia offers a wide range of fan types, including ceiling fans, pedestal fans, exhaust fans, and more. The pricing varies based on the type and model chosen, with ceiling fans generally commanding higher prices due to larger sizes and advanced features.


The features and specifications of Super Asia fans greatly influence their prices. Fans equipped with advanced features such as remote control operation, timer settings, energy-saving modes, and higher airflow capacity are priced higher than basic models.

Build Quality:

Super Asia fans are known for their durable build quality and long-lasting performance. Fans constructed with high-quality materials and components tend to have higher price points but offer superior reliability and longevity.

Energy Efficiency:

Modern Super Asia fans are designed to be energy-efficient, helping consumers save on electricity costs over time. Fans with higher energy efficiency ratings may have slightly higher initial prices but offer cost savings in the long run.

Market Demand and Supply:

Fluctuations in market demand and supply can impact fan prices, especially during peak seasons. Additionally, promotional offers, discounts, and sales events may influence pricing dynamics.

Types of Super Asia Fans and Their Price Ranges

Ceiling Fans:

Ceiling fans are ubiquitous in both residential and commercial spaces across Pakistan. They are avilable in various blade sizes, designs, and configurations to suit different room sizes and decor styles. Larger and more powerful ceiling fans with advanced features tend to have higher price points due to their enhanced functionality.Prices typically range from PKR 15,000 to PKR 25,000 or more, depending on features such as blade size, design, and advanced functionalities.

Pedestal Fans:

Super Asia pedestal fans are portable and adjustable, offering flexibility in air circulation. Pedestal fans are portable and adjustable, offering flexibility in air circulation. They are commonly used in homes, offices, and outdoor spaces to provide targeted cooling. Prices vary based on size, oscillation features, and energy efficiency, ranging from PKR 8,000 to PKR 15,000 or higher.

Exhaust Fans:

Super Asia exhaust fans are designed for ventilation purposes in kitchens, bathrooms, and utility rooms. Exhaust fans are specifically designed for ventilation purposes, extracting stale air and odors from enclosed spaces like kitchens, bathrooms, and utility rooms. Prices range from PKR 6,000 to PKR 25,000, depending on size, airflow capacity, and noise levels.

Considerations When Buying Super Asia Fans


When considering the purchase of a Super Asia fan, it's essential to establish a clear budget range that aligns with your preferences and needs. The budget should take into account the type of fan you require and the desired features you prioritize.

Fan Type and Size:

The choice of fan type and size is crucial to ensure optimal cooling performance and energy efficiency. Consider the dimensions of the room where the fan will be installed and assess the cooling requirements. For larger spaces, ceiling fans with larger blade sizes may be more suitable, while smaller rooms might benefit from pedestal fans or exhaust fans.

Features and Specifications:

Super Asia fans come with a variety of features and specifications designed to enhance usability and convenience. When selecting a fan, consider the specific features that align with your lifestyle and preferences. Some popular features to consider include remote control operation

Build Quality and Durability:

Investing in a fan with high-quality construction ensures durability and long-term performance. Super sia fans are known for their robust build quality and reliable operation. Look for fans constructed from durable materials that can withstand regular use and environmental conditions.

Energy Efficiency:

Choosing an energy-efficient fan is not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly. Super Asia offers fans with advanced energy-saving technologies that reduce electricity consumption without compromising performance. Look for fans with high energy efficiency ratings and features such as inverter motors or adjustable speed settings.


In conclusion, the pricing of Super Asia fans in Pakistan reflects a combination of factors including fn type, features, build quality, and market dynamics. By understanding these factors and considering individual preferences and requirements, consumers can make informed choices when purchasing Super Asia fans that offer optimal cooling performance and value for money.

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